Planning a Prescribed Burn
Each prescribed burn is going to look a little different. The steps below are a basic list of actions that each burn should include. Working with your local PBA is the best strategy to get started!
1. Connect with your local PBA
Your local PBA can offer free guidance to help make your burn safe and successful
2. Schedule a site visit
Organize a site visit of the burn unit with a PBA representative and Burn Boss, and begin to delineate the burn unit.
3. Start a burn plan
4. Create a burn plan checklist
This is usually only useful for complex, dry season burns. Many winter or simple burns will skip this step.
5. Determine what permits
are needed
6. Create a Smoke Management Plan
With your local Air Quality Management District.
7. Determine liability
Who has it and how to share it
8. Prepare the burn unit
Create control lines and do pre-treatment for your burn unit.
9. Light the fire!
Get PBA members, a burn boss, Rx fire equipment, and Volunteer Fire Departments to your burn and light it.
10. Conduct an After Action Review (AAR)
Take time as a group to review how the burn went.
10. Post-fire stewardship
Keep track of fire effects with post-burn monitoring, and knock back fire-following invasives.