California’s Prescribed Burn Associations
Butte PBA, Butte County
Calaveras PBA, Calaveras County
Central Coast PBA, San Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey Counties
Cultural Fire Management Council, Lower Klamath River/ Humboldt County
El Dorado / Amador PBA, El Dorado and Amador Counties
Good Fire Alliance, Sonoma & Marin Counties
Humboldt County PBA, Humboldt County
Lake County PBA, Lake County
Los Angeles PBA, Los Angeles County
Mendocino County PBA, Mendocino County
Mother Lode, Tuolumne County
Napa PBA, Napa County
Nevada County PBA, Nevada County
Placer PBA, Placer County
Plumas Underburn Cooperative, Plumas County
Round Valley PBA, Mendocino County
San Diego PBA, San Diego County
Santa Barbara Range Improvement Association, Santa Barbara County
San Luis Obispo County PBA, San Luis Obispo County
Siskiyou PBA, Siskiyou County
Solano PBA, Solano County
Tehama PBA, Tehama County
Trinity Integrated Fire Management Partnership, Trinity County
Ventura County PBA, Ventura County
Yolo PBA, Yolo County
Yosemite Gateway Prescribed Burn Cooperative, Madera and Mariposa Counties
Yuba-Bear Burn Cooperative, Nevada, Sierra, Yuba Counties