Join prescribed fire professionals from throughout the greater Bay Area as we dive into the utilization of controlled burning and associated land treatments that are relevant in the coastal parts of the Bay Area.
Wednesday, July 8th will be filled with engaging presentations, local updates and engrossing conversations.
Topics will include: burning for Coastal prairie, cultural burning, Sudden Oak Death, Rx fire surrogates and more.
The Bay Area Prescribed Fire Council is a meeting point for Rx fire professionals, students, teachers, tribal members, researchers, land managers, fire fighters, regulators and the general public from throughout the greater Bay Area. At these intersections, we hope to facilitate dialogue and foster change, so that we might get more "good fire" on the ground.
Location: Martin Griffin Preserve's Volunteer Canyon, 4800 Shoreline Highway One, Stinson Beach, CA 94970
Date: Wednesday July 8th, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., at MGP's Volunteer Canyon.