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2022 Klamath TREX

From the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership site:

Central to WKRP is our Klamath Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (KTREX) that’s been ongoing since 2014. Each year, KTREX is consistently one of the largest national TREX events hosted by The Nature Conservancy’s Fire Learning Network Program and co-led by local partners including, the: Karuk Tribe, Mid Klamath Watershed Council, Salmon River Restoration Council, and others. Dozens of organizations, hundreds of participants including international individuals gather together on some of the most complex terrain to “learn and burn together” on the rugged, steep canyon Klamath landscape. Participants take the lessons and experience they gain to their “home units” spreading the use of fire as a tool.

October 10

Basic Wildland Firefighter Training

January 31

UC Cooperative Extension Pile-Burning Workshop